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Blood Wedding By Federico Garcia Lorca


""When you love someone, but family is everything. where do your roots lie?"


The tragedy of Lorca's Blood Wedding is one for the record books. No one wins in this one. Lovers quarrel, and families are torn apart by death. In this poetic journey, we travel to the vineyards of Spain. A Bride must decide, should she marry a boy she barely knows, or run away with a man, who's roots are already buried deep within her? In this design I choose to use a pergola to set the mood of the wine country in Spain. We travel to many places, and with the ability to move furniture, it was a great concept. The pergola is wrapped in vines, and violet branches to add color to the set. The cut out in the floor is of a tree stump and its roots. It can be lit from underneath with the use of LED lights to create an eerie lighting effect during scene changes or during specific scenes. The scrim can be used to enhance the scene changes. The set was created, and it is encouraged, to be climbed on by certain characters in the show. Please enjoy the following video showing the various stages of the CAD Design and Miniature Model.


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